Join the road to AdonisJS v6

This will be the best AdonisJS release ever, and it feels like cheating to keep all the great work to ourselves.

Therefore, I am inviting my Github Sponsors to access the Alpha release of AdonisJS v6 and start using it today.

V6 Updates

What to Expect of AdonisJS 6?

If you have been following us on Twitter, you might have seen us talking about AdonisJS v6 - “A new major version of the AdonisJS framework”. We’ve spent four years in the AdonisJS v5 era, and it’s time to move to the AdonisJS v6 era with some fresh ideas.

One Step Closer to the Release

We have been working hard to refine the framework, engage with the alpha testers, and migrate more official packages to the v6 core. Today, we're thrilled to share our progress around what has been accomplished since the last update.

What's included?

The core of the framework is in great shape. In fact, we love it more than the current version. Also, we are actively working on migrating the rest of the official packages.


Access to in-depth documentation of packages that are ready for v6


Collection of onboarding screencasts to help you quickly get started

Tasks board

Get a transparent view of everything in progress, released, or planned


Provide feedback, ask questions, and help us prioritize the right features

Office hours

Monthly conference calls to get together and discuss the latest updates

Support development

Support the development of your favorite Node.js framework


Is AdonisJS becoming paid?

Hell No. The Alpha release is only for sponsors, so we can work with a small group of individuals who truly care for the framework.

Once everything gets ready, AdonisJS v6 will be publicly available. Meanwhile, you can continue developing your apps using v5.

How does the sponsorship program works?

Once you sponsor me on Github, I will invite you to a private Github repo. The repo has everything you need to use AdonisJS v6 today.

After you accept the invite, you can access the documentation, screencasts, and tasks board and participate in discussions.

How can I share the alpha release with my team?

If you are using AdonisJS at work, please do us a favor and ask your employer to sponsor us under the "Team access" sponsorship tier.

Once you choose the "Team access" tier, I will ask for the Github usernames of everyone on your team and provide the repo access to them.

I am a sponsor, but have not received the invite yet?

Invitations are given only to individuals sponsoring me via "$19" or above tiers. In any case, you can email me at virk[at] with your Github username, and I will fix it ASAP.